Tuesday, January 22, 2008

True Life...I never knew my father

Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you never knew your father? Maybe you do know your father and you wish you didn't, or maybe he passed away when you were young, or maybe you just wish you could have had the loving relationship between father and child that you see in all the movies.
I often times find myself watching MTV and a variety of shows on the channel. True Life is one of the shows i enjoy watching most. After watching an episode of True Life entitled "I never knew my father" it really touched me. Although I do know my father I feel as if I can relate to the people on this episode of true life. The one boy, named Craig, his father left his family when he was 5 years old. His mother told him that his father was a bad and abusive man. She also wished that he would refrain from meeting him. Craig disagrees, he wants to know his father, he says he still loves him. In other cases, such as mine, I wish that I would have had a more caring and loving father. Me and my father are on first name basis. I don't call him Dad and i never will. He was never a "dad" to me and never will be. We have a very cold relationship.
Father's should realize the trauma that they can cause a child by simply not being there while the child grows up and by not loving the child the way they need to be loved. Some people may be strong enough to move on without ever thinking anything of it, while others struggle to move past it. So many different issues can arrive. A child misses out on so many of life's lessons without a father figure.

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