Tuesday, March 11, 2008

True Life...I'm The Black Sheep

In this episode of True Life it tells the stories of 2 young high schoolers who are the "outcasts" of their families. First there is a boy named Shawn. He comes from an Indian family who see success in academics. Shawn is a 17 year old aspiring rapper. His parents see no future in the musical realm. They wish for him to go on to college. However, Shawn's parents do support him and believe in his musical abilities, but they wish for him to also attend college if he does not succeed in the music business. Also featured in this episode is a young girl named Courtney, she is an 18 year old Senior who has good grades and enjoys cheerleading. She is portrayed at the "normal" child in her family. Her mother has a obsession with collecting witches, her brother is a long haired skater boy, and her other brother a goth in style. A direct quote from her mother "I couldn't believe that I gave birth to a cheerleader." Courtney's mother does not support her in anything she does. Courtney is constantly being criticized by her family. I can relate to Courtney more so than Shawn because I too was always being criticized by my siblings and parents. The only people i felt comfortable around were my friends.

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