Tuesday, March 11, 2008

True Life...I'm a Fitness Fanatic

 In a recent episode of True Life aired 2 individuals who were obsessed with their bodies. They both had goals of which they both hoped to reach. A woman named Rebecca entered herself into many Fitness competitions. She worked very hard to keep her body in top physical condition. Rebecca is also a very smart woman. Shortly after placing 7th out of 10 in a competition she graduated from Harvard with  a masters in neuroscience and continued to enter fitness competitions in hopes of coming in 1st in a competition. A young man named Kevin from Kansas City entered himself in Strong Man competitions. At the age of 19 he became the youngest Professional Strong Man in the United States. On the show Kevin came in 2nd place therefore, he did not get his Heavy Weight Pro Card that would have given him the title of Professional Strong Man, he attained that title 2 months later in a different competition. Personally, I'm on the lazy side and I do not think i would ever be able to endure the physical traning that these 2 individuals put themselves through.

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