Monday, March 24, 2008

True Life...I'm a Staten Island Girl

Staten Island is known for their thick accents and Italian Families. In this episode of True Life three young women are introducted to the viewers. The First is Danielle, she is 21 years old and wishes to be an actress. She has a hard time doing so because of her thick accent. Many producers tell her that she is good at the auditions, however they cannot use her due to her thick accent. She continues to go to speech classes to learn how to speak without her accent but is having a difficult time doing so. Lauren is a 22 year old who had recently graduated with a bachelors degree in Public Relations. She wishes to move to Manhattan to get off of Staten Island. She cannot do so because she is in a great deal of Debt due to her many credit cards. Angela is a 25 year old Staten Island girl who wants to settle down with a Staten Island guy but is having a horrible time trying to do so. Her perspective on the Staten Island guys is "They are hott and they know it, so they won't settle down". as the episode continued she never found a guy to settle down with.

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