Thursday, May 1, 2008

True Life...I'm Anna Nicole

In this episode of true life conveyed is the life of a woman named Jeanine, who looks exactly like Anna Nicole. Due to her similar looks to Anna Nicole she has decided to become an impersonator. In order to do so she has gained a lot of weight and must keep up with all the Anna Fashions. The lifestyle has become very expensive, however, she is making a lot of money by being an impersonator. However, after impersonating Anna Nicole for so many years now she believes she needs to quit because she is losing her own identity. She feels as if she always has to be Anna.

True Life...I'm Living A Double Life

In this episode of True Life, a guy named Chris is living a double life. He is gay but is afraid of what his friends and family may think if he tells them about him being gay. He grew up in a strict catholic family which makes him even more afraid to come out to everyone. He has his straight friends that he pretends to be straight around and then he has his gay friends who he is himself with. No one should be afraid to be gay. They should have to worry about the threat of their family and friends hating them. I understand his concern, but if they are really his friends then they will not care and his family will always love him.

True Life...I Have Two Girlfriends

In This particular episode of True life a guy named Mitch has two girlfriends. His girlfriends names are Erin and Molly. He is always lying to them and being "shady". Both the girls said that they do not care what he is doing as long as he is faithful. Little do the girls know until one of Erin's friends runs into Mitch at a party. Mitch is finally busted and both the girls dump him. I would never be able to date a liar and deceitful person. Being able to trust another person is the basis for all relationships.

Monday, March 24, 2008

True Life...I'm a Staten Island Girl

Staten Island is known for their thick accents and Italian Families. In this episode of True Life three young women are introducted to the viewers. The First is Danielle, she is 21 years old and wishes to be an actress. She has a hard time doing so because of her thick accent. Many producers tell her that she is good at the auditions, however they cannot use her due to her thick accent. She continues to go to speech classes to learn how to speak without her accent but is having a difficult time doing so. Lauren is a 22 year old who had recently graduated with a bachelors degree in Public Relations. She wishes to move to Manhattan to get off of Staten Island. She cannot do so because she is in a great deal of Debt due to her many credit cards. Angela is a 25 year old Staten Island girl who wants to settle down with a Staten Island guy but is having a horrible time trying to do so. Her perspective on the Staten Island guys is "They are hott and they know it, so they won't settle down". as the episode continued she never found a guy to settle down with.

True Life...I'm an Alcoholic

Five and a half million americans under the age of 25 years old have an addiction to alcohol that is killing their lives, so is it just a social activity or a disease.
In this particular episode of True Life introduced to the audience was Two young women. Kacey and Kristina. Kacey is a 22 year old who recently moved to Vegas. Her first few months in Vegas her parents sent her money to pay the rent at her apartment until they found out that Kacey was using the money to buy alcohol. Kacey is now unemployed and broke. She is living off a friend and begs for money and does not have a job nor does she look for one. I would never be able to live the llfe Kacey lives. I can't depend on people, I only depend on myself. As for Kristina, she recognizes that she has a drinking problem. She is 24 years old and live in California. She enrolls herself into Alcohol Anonymous classes to help her beat this addiction.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

True Life...I'm a Fitness Fanatic

 In a recent episode of True Life aired 2 individuals who were obsessed with their bodies. They both had goals of which they both hoped to reach. A woman named Rebecca entered herself into many Fitness competitions. She worked very hard to keep her body in top physical condition. Rebecca is also a very smart woman. Shortly after placing 7th out of 10 in a competition she graduated from Harvard with  a masters in neuroscience and continued to enter fitness competitions in hopes of coming in 1st in a competition. A young man named Kevin from Kansas City entered himself in Strong Man competitions. At the age of 19 he became the youngest Professional Strong Man in the United States. On the show Kevin came in 2nd place therefore, he did not get his Heavy Weight Pro Card that would have given him the title of Professional Strong Man, he attained that title 2 months later in a different competition. Personally, I'm on the lazy side and I do not think i would ever be able to endure the physical traning that these 2 individuals put themselves through.

True Life...I'm The Black Sheep

In this episode of True Life it tells the stories of 2 young high schoolers who are the "outcasts" of their families. First there is a boy named Shawn. He comes from an Indian family who see success in academics. Shawn is a 17 year old aspiring rapper. His parents see no future in the musical realm. They wish for him to go on to college. However, Shawn's parents do support him and believe in his musical abilities, but they wish for him to also attend college if he does not succeed in the music business. Also featured in this episode is a young girl named Courtney, she is an 18 year old Senior who has good grades and enjoys cheerleading. She is portrayed at the "normal" child in her family. Her mother has a obsession with collecting witches, her brother is a long haired skater boy, and her other brother a goth in style. A direct quote from her mother "I couldn't believe that I gave birth to a cheerleader." Courtney's mother does not support her in anything she does. Courtney is constantly being criticized by her family. I can relate to Courtney more so than Shawn because I too was always being criticized by my siblings and parents. The only people i felt comfortable around were my friends.